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Title IX/Harassment

Student & Staff Rights Under Title IX

The Bellevue Union School District is committed to providing an educational environment free of unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature including sexual advances, requests for sexual favor, and other verbal or physical conduct or communications constituting sexual harassment, as defined and otherwise prohibited by state and federal law.  Sexual harassment includes verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature which may have a negative impact upon the victim’s academic or work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational/work environment.  

Title IX Coordinators

The District's Title IX coordinator oversees compliance with Title IX requirements and promotes sex equity in District programs.

Title IX Coordinator for Students
Director, Student Services
(707) 542-5197 xt 11

Title IX Coordinator for Staff and Job Applicants
Human Resources
(707) 542-5197 xt 5

All materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process are located here:

Image listing a summary of the IX information listed on the page
Image in Spanish of a title IX highlights poster