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Bellevue Union School District Free Home Study Program Open to ALL K-6 students in Sonoma County. Call now for more information and to register ->707-331-4647
Programa gratuito de estudio en el hogar del Distrito Escolar Unido de Bellevue Abierto para TODOS los estudiantes de K-6 en el condado de Sonoma. Llame ahora para más información y para registrarse ->707-331-4647
CalKIDS automatically creates college savings accounts for eligible low-income public school students enrolled in first through 12th grade. To check if you/your child is eligible or to access your/your child’s CalKIDS account, visit www.calkids.org. CalKIDS crea automáticamente cuentas de ahorro para la universidad para estudiantes elegibles de escuelas públicas de bajos ingresos inscritos en los grados primero a 12. Para verificar si usted o su hijo son elegibles o para acceder a su cuenta CalKIDS o la de su hijo, visite www.calkids.org.
We are fortunate to have a wonderful partnership with CalServes for our after-school and child care programs. Their team of professionals, including AmeriCorps members, provides our students with programming to complement the instructional program during the school day. Thanks to the CDE and Expanded Learning Opportunities funding this afterschool enrichment program is free and open to students enrolled in the Bellevue Union School District (space is limited). Enrollment is now open.